Timeline created using the public domain photos of Maria Montessori that are on the AMI website. The information is from Quad City Montessori School and the American Montessori Society.
Timeline of Life
This is recreated from an old timeline that we could not find any longer. The bars for the Epoch, periods, ages along the top were added. It comes in 8 1/2 x 14 pages that can be printed on card stock, colored and put together.
Separation of Powers
This is a great follow up work to the beautiful Hello Wood Separation of Powers work pictured below. The children can fill in the boxes while they learn about the different branches of government.
This is absolutely beautiful work from Hello Wood. http://www.hellowood.com/
Timeline Research Form
Perfect for researching periods from the timeline lessons.
Dinosaur Research Booklet
Print on two sides of paper and fold to make a booklet. Children love to create their own. Dinosaur flash cards like the ones found at Target can be used for younger students.